
I kissed a zombie and I liked it


  • Title: I kissed a zombie and I liked it               Author: Adam Selzer
  • Publisher: Delacorte Books                            Release date: 01/26/2010
  • Pages: 192                                                     Price: 7.99$/ 13.50
  • Read in French

Algonquin “Ali” Rhodes, the high school newspaper’s music critic, meets an intriguing singer, Doug, while reviewing a gig. He’s a weird-looking guy—goth, but he seems sincere about it, like maybe he was into it back before it was cool. She introduces herself after the set, asking if he lives in Cornersville, and he replies, in his slow, quiet murmur, “Well, I don’t really live there, exactly. . . .”

   I kissed a zombie and I liked it is a peculiar book, it is the first time I read such a book: funny while being a bit weird. 
We follow the adventures of Alley (nickname of Algonquin, such an original name!), a young Jew of eighteen who lives in a remote village of the United States. Her greatest wish is to leave this place behind as soon as possible. With her friends and their so-called group 'The vicious Circle' , she bears her last months at high school. In this post-human world (this term referred to their world in which werewolves, vampires and zombies came out to live amongst the humans), Alley has a sharp tongue and enjoys criticizing, mocking even anyone crossing her path, especially those shallow girls from her school. One day, she meets this weird guy named Doug and quickly falls for him.
From the title, we could ask ourselves what kind of book is that: Strange? Shocking? Not at all! It is a really funny one, insisting on a few stereotypes usually found in this kind of literature (vampires and so on.) It talks about the relationship between humans and the living dead. Some passages are pretty bloody and somehow disgusting but it is intentional. So it is important that the reader approaches this book as a parody of some sort!
The love story contained in this book is interesting and funny, even though it can quickly become annoying. Alley's personality changes drastically by being in love.
This book is quite frivolous but Doug makes us think about one important thing: life should be enjoyed to the fullest because it is so worth it!
The author uses a language of young people, which corresponds perfectly to our characters, he goes straight to the point. The story is from Alley's point of view and is written in the present tense.
I appreciated the numerous musical references throughout the book, such as Leonard Cohen, Cole Porter, The Ramones...
To sum up, I kissed a zombie and I liked it (in spite of its reference to Katy Perry's song) is an easy, light and strange reading. It is also a quick reading (less than 200 pages), I recommend it as a good entertainment!

1 commentaire:

  1. coucou!

    Merci pour ta visite! Pour ce qui est de Abandon, en effet peu de gens aime ce roman, tout comme son dernier insatiable, mais tant mieux ça fait plus petit comité!^^
    pour ce qui est du journal intime d'un arbre, c'est assez étonnant comme point de vue dans le livre, mais j'ai vraiment aimé, ça change un peu :)

    A bientôt alors
